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PhD Civil Engineer since 1997. He began his professional career at Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain), as an intern and collaborator in research and development projects, and continued it (1993-2013) at the Hydrographic Studies Center of the Center for Studies and Experimentation on Public Works (CEDEX). At this center, he carried out several activities related to his specialty and he dealt with other matters which can be grouped in two large areas: 1) applications of communication and information technologies in civil engineering, mainly in remote sensing and geographical information systems, and 2) hydraulic works, including a wide range of issues as investments analysis, hydraulic experimentation, management, operation and safety.
He has been developer or team leader of workgroup for computer applications development, most of them for the hydrological forecasting and flood control reservoir operations.
He specialized in operational hydrology, but he evolved successively until he reached a wider insight of hydrology, especially in flood problems, even he participated in workgroups that coped with social aspects, spatial planning and matters related to capacity building and institutional strengthening.
In addition to real time flood forecasting models, he has wide experience and deep knowledge in telemetric systems such, as the SAIHs (automatic hydrological information systems), and hydrometry.
He has participated in several R&D projects, mostly as main researcher, which were funded by national plans, and he also played important roles in some R&D management activities. 
At international level, he has participated in R&D projects funded by EU, and in several forums and workgroups. He is co-founder and coordinator / president of the PROHIMET network (Ibero-American Network for the monitoring and forecasting of hydrometeorological phenomena). He has been part of several projects in Latin America (several times as team leader), in East Europe and Africa. These activities were linked to institutions as WMO (World Meteorological Organization), CYTED (Ibero-American Programme for Science, Technology and Development), AECID (Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation), World Bank, CIMHET (Conference of Ibero-American Directors of Hydrological and Meteorological Services), CODIA (Conference of Ibero-American Water Directors). He also had collaboration with the Associated Programme on Flood Management (APFM). He has been teacher in several postgraduates courses and speaker in many congreses, workshops and seminars, national and international. He was organizer and technical director of several of these events, in Latin America and Spain. 
He is a member of the Spanish Meteorological Association (AME) and of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR)
Nowadays, he works as an international freelance consultant, mainly for the WMO and WB, and for private companies and other institutions, as IAHR.
Some figures:
•    International projects: 15, 13 in Latin America
•    Specialized consultancy: (as freelance): for 12 entities
•    R&D national projects: 5 (2 as team leader)
•    R&D international projects: 1
•    National projects as public servant: 19 (12 as director)
•    Informatics developments: 22
•    Publications: 9 papers, 4 book chapters, 4 books, 52 official reports
•    Papers and presentations: 63
•    Organization and technical direction of events: 2 in Spain and 14 in Latin-America
•    International trips: up to 70; visited countries: 25; accumulated flight length (km): up to 900.000

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